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2 Past Papers

This section of the paper (P1:A) is worth 25% of your GCSE and contains 3 modules (see the structure below to find out more). With this module, you need to remember that America went through massive social and economic change multiple times within the time frame you guys study. DO NOT get these phases confused!

P1:A - USA: Opportunity and inequality,

USA: Opportunity and inequality:
What do you need to know?

Part one: American people and the 'Boom'

• The ‘Boom’: benefits, advertising, and the consumer society; hire purchase; mass production, including Ford and the motor industry; inequalities of wealth; Republican government policies; stock market boom.

• Social and cultural developments: entertainment, including cinema and jazz; the position of women in society, including flappers.

• Divided society: organised crime, prohibition and their impact on society; the causes of racial tension, the experiences of immigrants and the impact of immigration; the Ku Klux Klan; the Red Scare and the significance of the Sacco and Vanzetti case.

Part two: Bust – Americans' experiences of the Depression and New Deal

• American society during the Depression: unemployment; farmers; businessmen; Hoover’s responses and unpopularity; Roosevelt's election as president.

• The effectiveness of the New Deal on different groups in society: successes and limitations including opposition towards the New Deal from Supreme Court, Republicans, and Radical politicians; Roosevelt's contribution as president; popular culture.

• The impact of the Second World War: America’s economic recovery; Lend Lease; exports; social developments, including experiences of African-Americans and women.

Part three: Post-war America

• Post-war American society and economy: consumerism and the causes of prosperity; the American Dream; McCarthyism; popular culture, including Rock and Roll and television.

• Racial tension and developments in the Civil Rights campaigns in the 1950s and 1960s: Segregation laws; Martin Luther King and peaceful protests; Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement; Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968.

• America and the ‘Great Society': the social policies of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson relating to poverty, education and health; the development and impact of feminist movements in the 1960s and early 1970s, including the fight for equal pay; the National Organisation for Women, Roe v Wade (1973), the Supreme Court ruling on equal rights (1972) and opposition to Equal Rights Amendment.


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