Useful Websites
This app provides a range of revision materials and quizzes, games etc. for your AQA GCSE. Click the images to the right to install the app on your preferred device.
This website is an old classic. A very simple layout and cut back content (key reasons/discussion points etc), with lots of sources and useful insights from John himself. He is a bit of a legend in the textbook world.
This website is fantastic for revision and has materials for WWI, Elizabeth and Health and the People. Once you have signed up (get a class code from me) there is a wide range of activities in bite-sized chunks for you to work through and test how your revision has progressed.
As you know this site is jam-packed with lots of material, although it can be difficult to find quality material. A good way of searching is to add the term 'GCSE' next to what you are trying to find.
This website is full of content for the Elizabeth module only, however, the Elizabeth content it does offer is tailored to the AQA exam board. There are mini-quizzes and other activities to support your learning.
This website is specifically designed to test your knowledge (SPED) through quizzes which are put together by teachers and students, but available for everyone to play using their phones. The great thing is that you can compete with friends by someone hosting a quiz and sending them the key to others on whichever social media platform you kids use in this futuristic age.
Get on this, get logged in, and you will find that you have been assigned all the relevant quizzes in relation to your modules until the end of your GCSE career! The activities vary depending on what is included in the topic.
Android App
Apple App
Seneca hasn't got an app on the stores, but click the image and follow the guide about how to install it.
Android App
Apple App
Android App
Apple App